pc: @brodiephotoz

pc: @brodiephotoz

pc: @brodiephotoz
Kenzie McCarter

Explaining Kenzie McCarter's sound is a difficult task. Her lyrics are vulnerable, giving those who listen a glimpse into heartbreak, redemption, and her own personal experiences. Her roots appear to be country pop upon first impression, however as one continues listening she expands beyond that with bluesy notes and edgy melodies. An 18 year old Pennsylvania native, McCarter is energetic and genuine, as her music is sure to leave an imprint on the soul's of her listeners.
She's performed everywhere from Penn State's THON at the Bryce Jordan Center and Knoebels Amusement Park to Russell Underground down in South Carolina, " I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to play so many different venues over the last few years. It's the biggest blessing."
Her debut single "Back to You" is a catchy song about that person you can't quite quit. She explains that all her writing comes from a personal place whether it be her experiences or the experiences of someone she knows, "I think the only way to explain it is, if you made me feel something, whether it be pain or joy, I wrote about it. I'm always writing about the people around me or the feelings that everyone has felt but no one dares to describe."
Recently, Kenzie released "The Devil", a powerful track produced by JimiJack. She wrote the song after the end of a toxic relationship, but overtime "The Devil" has begun to mean a lot more to her, " 'The Devil' is a song that at first listen you assume is about a toxic relationship where the girl just cared more than the guy did, however, as you dive deeper you realize it’s much more than that. “The Devil” represents anything in your life that you kept holding on to because you thought you were in control. You thought that you could handle it. So whether it be a relationship, a friendship, a drug or a job, “The Devil” is a song for those who lost something that was never really meant for them anyway."
Kenzie has so much more in store, so don't miss out on her journey.

"The Devil" Official Music Video //
Directed, Filmed and Edited by
AGL Drones and Jake Petrone Video